The program is being continuously updated.
FEBRUARY 23 2021
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PLENARY SESSION 1 – Nordic Policy Challenges
Conference Welcome
Håkan Tarras-Wahlberg, Chair Georange
Introduction – Aims Process, e-opinion and polling
Lisa Ek, LTU Business
Raw materials for the future – the SGU perspective
Anneli Wirtén, Director Genral Geological Survey of Sweden
Operating Risks and Overall Trends in the Nordic Countries based on the World Risk Report Europe’s Nordic lights: Sweden and Finland stand proud in Europe but there remains room for improvement
Chris Cann, Head of Research & Intelligence, Aspermont Limited
Northern Sweden, Europe’s leading mining district
Helene Hellmark Knutsson – Governor of County of Västerbottens län
The green shift needs a new and innovative mineral policy
Linda Helen Haukland, Executive of Planning and Business Development, Nordland county council
Northern Sweden – for a sustainable future
Lotta Finstorp, Governer of County of Norrbotten
Roadmap for a Mineral Strategy of the North Calotte Region
Håkan Tarras-Wahlberg, Chair Georange
Virtual coffee break
PLENARY SESSION 2 – Innovation in Exploration
Ensuring a sustainable raw material supply through research and education
Christina Wanhainen, Scientific leader, SUN – Natural Resources for Sustainability Transitions, LTU
How to improve field work in exploration research and education using modern technologies
Tobias E. Bauer, Associate professor, Luleå University of Technology
The Future Logging Assistant
Nils Jansson, Associate professor in Ore Geology at Luleå University of Technology
Understanding element anomalies using Quantitative Target Mineralogy (QanTmin)
Thomas Aiglsperger, Associated senior lecturer at the Luleå University of Technology (LTU)
Panel Discussion – Exploration outlook
Åsa Persson, Chief Mine Inspector
Kåre Höglund, Project Manager, Exploration Agnico Eagle
Johannes Holzäpfel, Exploration Manager – Europe, EMX Royalty Corp./Eurasian Minerals Sweden AB
Pierre Heeroma, SVP Exploration, Strategy and Business Development LKAB
Virtual Lunch
PLENARY SESSION 3 – European Raw Materials Alliance for a more resilient and greener Europe
ERMA and the Nordic perspective
Per Storm, Innovation Hub Director, EIT RawMaterials North AB
Cluster on Materials for energy storage and conversion
Olli Salmi, Managing Director, EIT RawMaterials Baltic Sea AB
Cluster on Rare Earth Magnets and Motors
Roland Gauß, Senior Adviser, EIT RawMaterials
Virtual coffee break
PLENARY SESSION 4 – The Outlook for Nordic Mining and Strategic Initiatives
The Future of LKAB
Jan Moström, CEO LKAB
Govenment Address to the conference –
The green transition and Swedish competitiveness
Ibrahim Baylan, Minister of Enterprise and Innovation
Climate effective raw material supply for a Green Europe
Mikael Staffas, President and CEO of Boliden
The green future of battery anodes
Martin Phillips, CEO – Europe, Talga
Future mining digital, automated and electrical
Jonas Albertsson, President for Epiroc Technology & Digital division
The green and digital transition
Panel discussion – Session speakers
Summary Day 1
End of Day 1
FEBRUARY 24 2021
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Welcome to the Conference
Future Infrastructure and Logistics Systems in Arctic Europe
New Technologies Research and Innovation as an Enabler for Sustainable Raw Materials Supply
Headline Tbc
John-Ragnar Aarset, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Transport
Arctic Europe-World expo for the sustainable society
Nils-Olov Lindfors, Regional councilor of Region Norrbotten
The port of Narvik – the Arctic hub
Rune Arnoy, CEO, Port of Narvik
The need for increased cooperation in the Development of Infrastructure Systems in the North
Bo Krogvig, Director, Communicaions LKAB
A modern and efficient transport system is sustainable
Helena Eriksson, Regional Director, Swedish Transport Administration
Experiences from sharp remote controlled and battery powered Scaling underground
Lisa Önnerlöv, Industrial Designer at Boliden
Remote North – low latency telepresence
Mårten Fröjdö, CO-Founder, FS Links Ab
Project Manager, NCDP network
Automation and the impact on the mining industry
Daniel Bergqvist, Engagement Manager, Scania Group
Why innovation is not optional for your business
Jan Abrahamsson & Martin Gidlund, LTU Business
Panel Discussion
Virtual Coffee Break
PLENARY SESSION 6 – Mining and indigenous rights
Indigenous rights and mining – international law and examples from Australia
John Southalan, Barrister and Adjunct Professor (UWA and Murdoch)
Vulnerability or self-determination? Indigenous peoples’ consultation and consent in mining projects
Emma Wilson, Researcher, consultant and director of ECW Energy
Mineral extraction in Swedish Sápmi: How to navigate the governance gap between Indigenous rights and national permit practices
Kaisa Raitio, Associate professor, Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
The MinLand project – Mineral resources insustainable land-use planning
Ronald Arvidsson, SGU
Mining in Sápmi is not business as usual!
Jenny Wik Karlsson, SSR
Panel discussion – Session Speakers and Lennart Gustavsson, Mayor of Malå
Virtual Lunch
PLENARY SESSION 7 – Strategic Initiatives for sustainable value chains
How Swedish Mining Innovation meets society’s challenges through strategic initiatives
Jenny Greberg, Programme Director for Swedish Mining Innovation
Why Svemin initiated the TraceMet pilot project
Maria Sunér, CEO Svemin
The TraceMet methodology – how it works and some unexpected findings when developing the new standard
Erik Lindlom, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Why do Boliden support TraceMet, what do we want to see come next?
Sven Hjelmstedt, Director Sales, Boliden Smelters
CERA – Certification of Raw Materials
Niklas Grönberg, LTU Business
A VR Mine Experience
Niclas Dahlström, Senior Project Manager LTU Business
Samuel Lundsten, Luleå University of Technology
Virtual Coffee Break
PLENARY SESSION 8 – Project Presentations
A Swedish source of critical minerals, from mine waste
Ulrika Håkansson, Technical Director LKAB
The Barsele project – an update
Roman Hanes, Senior Exploration Geologist, Exploration Agnico Eagle
The Grängesberg Apatite Project and the Dannemora Iron Ore Restart Project – an update Grängesberg Exploration
Christer Lindqvist, CEO, Grängesberg Exploration Holding AB
Exploration Partnerships and Initiatives in Nordic Countries
Eric Jensen, General Manager – Exploration at EMX Royalty Corporation
10 years of Future Mine and Mineral Conferences- conclusions for the future of Nordic Mining
Erika Ingvald, Head of Division Mineral Information and Mining Industry, Geological Survey of Sweden
Lennart Gustavsson, Mayor of Malå
Håkan Tarras-Wahlgren, Chair Georange
Summary Day 2
February 23-24, 2021, at Old Central Post Office Building, Stockholm, Sweden