Here we have collected articles and references about the Future Mine & Mineral January 26-27 2015 and January 25-26 2016, and January 30-31 2017. Click on the links below.
Future Mine & Mineral – Framtidens Gruv & Mineral – January 30-31 2017
Video by The Green Exchange
Articles about the conference
Press release, February 3 2017:
Memorandum of Understanding signed in Stockholm to establish closer ties between the Swedish and Canadian exploration and mining communities
ULI Geoforum, 25 februari 2016:
“Kris i gruv- och mineralindustrin – tid för GIS”
Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), 29 January 2015:
Metaller och gruvor, 28 January 2015:
Miljöaktuellt, 27 January 2015–svenska-gruvor-vm-bast-i-hallbarhet
Metaller och gruvor, 26 January 2015:
Quotidien Économique, 30 January 2015:
“Thank you for your warm hospitality as I came to speak at Future Mine and Mineral 2017. You run a top-notch conference. I have to say that the total experience was marvelous. I hope to be back with you for Future Mine and Mineral 2019!”
Kenneth P. Green, D.Env. Senior Director Center for Natural Resource Studies, The Fraser Institute
“I wanted to congratulate you on an excellent conference. Seldom have I heard so many delegates praise a conference in private conversations and I would certainly endorse that.
Let me also thank you for being great hosts.”
Fred McMahon, Director, Fraser Institute
“Tack för riktigt bra arrangemang!”
Lena Söderberg, Generaldirektör, Sveriges geologiska undersökning, SGU
“Thank your for the opportunity to be a speaker and panelist in the FGM 2015, what a successful event.”
Kimmo Viertola, Investment Director, Finnish Industry Investment
“Thanks for the possibility to be able to present in your very well organized event at the Grand Hotel.”
Erja Retzén, Director, Nasdaq
“Many thanks to all at Nordic Publishing!”
James Greyson, Head of BlindSpot Think Tank
“Vill framföra vårt tack för att vi fick medverka vid Gruv&Mineral! Inspirerande dagar med intressanta föredrag, konstruktiva diskussioner och givande möten!”
Birgitta Liljedahl, Senior Analyst and project manager, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
“Congratulation for hosting this event which I attended this week, and which proved to be very constructive and useful.”
Laurence Moore, Director, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank
“Hei og takk for en meget bra konferanse forrige uke!”
Ivar S. Fossum, CEO, Nordic Mining ASA
“Thank you for another great arrangement. Looking forward to next year”
Dr Thomas D. Krom Ph.D., Vice President EMENA, Leapfrog
“Jag vill passa på att tacka för ett fint arrangemang. Det var mycket givande att delta.”
Christina Allard, Universitetslektor, Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU), Norges arktiska universitet (UiT)
“Tack för en bra konferens om framtidens gruv och mineralnäring i förra veckan.”
Bo Krogvig, Senior Adviser Samhällskontakter/ Public Affairs, Communication, LKAB
“Thank you for all of your hard work on the conference and field trip. They were both excellent and provided me with a great introduction to the mining industry in Sweden.”
Jillian Senkiw
“It was great meeting you at the Sweden Conference and also a pleasure attending the conference, so well managed.”
Piyali Rudra, Doctoral Candidate, Aalto University School of Business
“This is a quick note to personally thank you for acting as our guide to the arctic region of Sweden last week. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and illuminating two days.”
Andrew Barbut, Division Director – Mining, Mott MacDonald Ltd