Research and Innovation as an Enabler for Future Sustainable Raw Materials Supply
– Breakout session in cooperation with Luleå University of Technology, SIP STRIM and EIT RawMaterials
Moderated by Anna Utsi

The Swedish mining and metal producing industry is in the forefront when it comes to technology, productivity and sustainability. One success factor is a long history of collaborative research and innovation in a well-established ecosystem with universities, research institutes, mining companies and equipment suppliers. This session will give an overview of the Swedish and European innovation ecosystem and examples of ongoing research in the forefront and results from the innovations programs.
Luleå University of Technology is Sweden’s centre for research and education which focuses on mining, and the clearly stated ambition is to be an internationally strong centre of excellence. The research covers the whole value chain as well as research on occupational health and safety, the commodity economy and the societal aspects of extraction and processing. Professor Christina Wanhainen, Scientific leader for Future Mining at LTU will present research areas and projects in the mining field.
SIP STRIM is the national hub for innovation in mining in Sweden, aiming at strengthening the competitiveness of the Swedish mining and metal extraction industry and offering possibility’s for collaborative innovation projects and leverage to European funding. Jenny Greberg, Programme Director at SIP STRIM will give an overview of the program and two successful projects will be presented.
EIT RawMaterials is the largest partnership in raw materials worldwide, offering possibilities for close to market projects and a large networks of experts and infrastructure. Per Storm, CEO EIT RawMaterials NCLC will introduce the program and two successful projects will be presented.