John-Ragnar Aarset
State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Transport

Arctic Europe-World expo for the sustainable society
Nils-Olov Linfors
Regional councilor of Region Norrbotten

The port of Narvik – the Arctic hub
Rune J. Arnøy
CEO, Port of Narvik
Educated at the Norwegian Bank Academy as a bank economist, and later Executive Master’s Degree in Logistics at BI School of Economics and Administration. Over the years, I have worked in banking, business administration, and currently as CEO/ Port Director in Narvik.

The need for increased cooperation in the Development of Infrastructure Systems in the North
Bo Krogvig
Director, Communicaions LKAB

A modern and efficient transport system is sustainable
How can we work together to create solutions for sustainable heavy transport in the northern region? We see the need for more maintenance and development of new technologies when it comes to improving tranports and infrastructure. In addition, we need to increase capacity.
Helena Eriksson
Regional Director, Swedish Transport Administration

Experiences from sharp remote controlled and battery powered Scaling underground
Mechanical scaling is a critical safety operation that requires real craftsmanship in order to be done properly. The operators use their eyes, ears, feel and experience, to be able to read the rock and do the right actions. Could this be done remotely? What are the challenges and benefits of doing this only with battery power? This is the story of our way there.
Lisa Önnerlöv
Industrial Designer at Boliden
Lisa Önnerlöv is an Industrial Designer at Boliden, mainly active within the Boliden Mine Automation Program. Lisa is managing R&D-projects and human centered aspects of various areas, from production control, data visualization and control room development, to remote control of mining machines and exploratory tests of new technologies. She has a background within metal art and is currently working on establishing the use of design methodologies in mining for the purposes of user involvement and innovation.

Remote North – low latency telepresence
How we today are able to create a Nordic low latency network for theater, music education, game development and other services.
Mårten Fröjdö
CO-Founder, FS Links Ab
Project Manager, NCDP network
Mårten who lives on the Åland Islands has led a number of Nordic telepresence projects with universities, producers of performing arts and providers of music education. He initiated the Nordic network Remote North (www.ncdp.eu) and is currently working on feasibility study of a low latency cultural network in the region of Västernorrland.

Automation and the impact on the mining industry
Over the last years driverless dump trucks have been successfully implemented in mining operations over the world. But so far, the major difference has been to simply remove the driver, it has not drastically changed the way of working or the type of machines that is being used. Autonomous on-road trucks adapted for heavy mining operation opens up to take a step back in the mine design and review the possibilities that such a system brings e.g., lower unit costs, high haul speed, steeper walls for deep mines due to more narrow roads etc.
Daniel Bergqvist
Engagement Manager, Scania Group
Daniel has extensive experience working with Scania’s mining solutions in technical and commercial roles covering a number of countries like Australia, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Sweden, Finland etc. In his latest role he is responsible for commercializing Scania’s autonomous transport solutions for the mining segment.

Why innovation is not optional for your business
Jan Abrahamsson & Martin Gidlund
LTU Business
LTU Business’ senior consultants Jan Abrahamsson, Ph.D., and Martin Gidlund draw on their experience in strategy, innovation management and the mining and raw materials industry, to highlight the benefits and types of innovation and why innovation is not an optional activity in the industry. Furthermore, we outline current trends and emerging new areas of innovation and business models within the mining and raw materials industry.

Indigenous rights and mining – international law and examples from Australia
There is increasing attention to the interaction of mining and Indigenous peoples and issues. The standards and mechanisms of international law provide importance guidance but also have some significant limitations in how they operate, given the regulation of mining at the national level. This presentation will summarise relevant international standards and case, and examine developments in Australia.
John Southalan
Barrister and Adjunct Professor (UWA and Murdoch)
John is a lawyer, academic and mediator based in Perth, Australia. John advises and represents clients regarding resources issues in both litigious and non-litigious matters. John has considerable experience in contract drafting and disputes, mining applications, compensation obligations & structures, and occupational health & safety. His work has also covered mining regulation in advising regulators, mining companies, land owners, communities and non-government organisations. John has assisted various government agencies (in Australia and internationally) on mining law reform.
John is an adjunct academic with the Universities of Dundee (Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy) and Western Australia, Murdoch and Curtin. He researches and teaches in mining regulation and also on human rights and resources. John has published and presented on topics including human rights and business, mining regulation, climate change, Indigenous rights, minerals taxation, CSR regulation, and mining agreements.

Vulnerability or self-determination? Indigenous peoples’ consultation and consent in mining projects
Drawing on experience in Norway, Greenland and Russia, this presentation will highlight some of the key challenges in the practical implementation of indigenous peoples’ consultation and free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) in a mining context. What is the role of governments vs companies? Who should represent the interests of affected indigenous communities and should they have a veto? At what level do decisions need to be made and at what point in the project life cycle? FPIC is frequently viewed through the lens of vulnerability, but how can the question of sovereignty and self-determination be addressed in a project context?
Emma Wilson
Researcher, consultant and director of ECW Energy
Dr Emma Wilson is an independent researcher and consultant and director of ECW Energy. She has over 25 years’ experience of research and consulting on public participation and corporate social responsibility in energy and mining, with a focus on indigenous and human rights, social impact assessment, consultation and consent, international standards and their local application. Dr Wilson combines mining and oil industry consultancy with academic research collaboration, including a multi-year partnership with the Arran Lule Sami Centre (Norway) and Cambridge University. She has previously worked for the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Sakhalin Energy (Shell, Russia) and Friends of the Earth (Russia/Japan), among others. She is a fluent Russian speaker with experience in Russia, Norway, Greenland, Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Mineral extraction in Swedish Sápmi: How to navigate the governance gap between Indigenous rights and national permit practices
A socio-legal analysis of the Swedish Minerals Act, Environmental Code and the practices of the permit authorities demonstrates a weak recognition of Sámi rights in the licensing system for new mines. This governance gap is due to lack of adequate regulations as well as poor implementation of existing ones in terms of (1) assessing the full impacts on reindeer herding, (2) balancing conflicting public interests, and (3) ensuring adequate consultations procedures. A key challenge for the mining industry is to navigate this governance gap in a way that would demonstrate its commitment to respecting the rights of the Sámi as an Indigenous people.
Kaisa Raitio
Associate professor, Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Associate professor Kaisa Raitio, SLU, holds a PhD in political science and has 20 years of extensive research experience in the field of natural resource politics and Sámi rights in Sweden and Finland. She currently leads two large research projects related to dialogue, conflict management, impact assessment and indigenous rights that combine the analysis of macro-level regulations with the politics of everyday planning practice. Kaisa conducts her research in productive collaboration with public agencies, affected Sámi reindeer herding communities, and corporations to ensure high relevance and applicability of the research results.

The MinLand project – Mineral resources in sustainable land-use planning
The H2020 Minland project identified and highlighted areas in which current mining policies interact with other strands of policymaking land uses in order to establish how best to optimise the process.
Through an innovative, societal approach, the team analysed users’ input from selected case studies, workshops, and polls to seek solutions and necessary components, all in a holistic view, to consider the exploration and extraction of mineral raw materials, authorities, associated industries, stakeholders and land-use planning. The work resulted in a toolbox of examples and guides on how the raw materials are integrated into land-use planning regulations and guidance in Europe. Within this toolbox, approaches and solutions relating to stakeholders like indigenous populations of northern Europe are presented.
Ronald Arvidsson
Ronald Arvidsson has since 2012 been active at the Geological Survey of Sweden as a geophysicist, 2013-2014 Head of SGU’s division Mineral Information in Malå. Last few years participating in EU projects and since one year as coordinator for the MinLand project. Before this he was scientific lead in establishing a geological base model for a seismic hazard model for Europe. Other expertise involve EIA and expert support to Östahmmars Municipality regarding establishment of a Nuclear Waste facility in Sweden. The early career involve research in geophysics and seismology with postdoctoral research in Boston and Bergen.

Mining in Sápmi is not business as usual!
Mining on indigenous territories places great demands on the companies’ actions. Respect and humility for the rights of indigenous peoples is one piece of the puzzle, but just as important is the understanding that the traditional livelihood will change, and we need to address all questions raised to move forward. Where do we start?
Jenny Wik Karlsson
CEO and senior legal adviser at Sámiid Riikasearvi
Jenny Wik Karlsson has for a long time worked with issues related to indigenous peoples and industrial exploitation, both with legal and policy issues.

How Swedish Mining Innovation meets society’s challenges through strategic initiatives
Jenny Greberg
Programme Director for Swedish Mining Innovation
Jenny Greberg is Programme Director for Swedish Mining Innovation, the Strategic Innovation Programme for the Swedish Mining and Metal producing industry. Jenny is also Associate Professor in Mining and Rock Engineering at LTU, and has management experience from enterprises as well as research centres and academia in the raw materials sector.

Why Svemin initiated the TraceMet pilot project
TraceMet is a traceability system for metals. The system uses blockchain technology. The pilot project was finished in January 2021 and follows two value chains, steel and copper, from the mine to the end product (truck and electric cables, respectively). TraceMet is initiated by Svemin, partners have been LKAB, Boliden, Volvo Group, Scania, Elektrokoppar, SSAB and ABB. The project is funded by Swedish Mining Innovation, the strategic innovation program for the mining and metal’s industry. Swedish Mining Innovation is part of Vinnova’s, the Swedish Energy Agency’s and Formas’ investment in strategic innovation areas.
Maria Sunér
CEO, Svemin
Mrs. Maria Sunér is the CEO of Svemin, the Swedish Association for Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers. Mrs. Sunér has a profound background from the business sector, and has held several positions at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, as well as for the Swedish Association of Energy producers. She has also worked for the Worldbank and Eon. Maria is also a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering, and a vice chair of the Energy and Environment Committee for Business at the OECD. Maria has earlier been the chair of the Swedish member Committee to the World Energy Council.

The TraceMet methodology – how it works and some unexpected findings when developing the new standard
TraceMet has developed a pilot system for tracing the environmental performance of metals through the value chain. The design integrates an administrative system and a technical solution that enables a certified declaration of the origin of metals. With mass balance accounting and a block chain database, it is possible to trace the carbon footprint for the metal and how much recycled metal it contains through two separate value chains. One follows the value chain for iron, from the mine via steel manufacturing to buses and trucks. The second applies to copper, from mining via the production of copper wire to electric motors.
Erik Lindblom, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Erik Lindblom is a senior project manager and researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. He is mainly focusing on environmental impact assessments and has not only managed several EIAs, but also studied both methodological and procedural aspects e.g. in the ESBESIA, MERIT and MuniComp research projects. Erik is also a facilitator of the Swedish Mining Dialogue.

Why do Boliden support TraceMet, what do we want to see come next?
Sven Hjelmstedt
Director Sales, Boliden Smelters
Sven Hjelmstedt, Director Sales at Boliden Smelters responsible for the Metal, Sulphuric acid and Ironsilicates sales of Boliden. The Boliden Smelter metals portfolio includes Copper, Zinc, Lead, Gold and Silver. Prior to joining the Metals and mining industry in 2013, he held various commercial roles in the Paper and Pulp industry in Sweden and the Netherlands. Educated in Business Administration and Economics, this Swedish native is now based in Stockholm.

CERA PROJECT: A Universal standard for ethics, sustainability and environmental impact
CERA certification will ensure a consistent standard of environmental, social and economic impact throughout the entire raw materials value chain
Currently, at least 40 different certification schemes exist for mining activity alone, increasingly exponentially when considering the entire value chain, with some certificates specific to a single geography, process or humanitarian concern, and others to a single mineral. Existing certification processes are complex, expensive and inconsistent, resulting in a porous and diffuse approach to how sustainability and ethics are defined from country to country, mineral to mineral, and company to company. The CERA certification programme has solved this global industry-wide issue with the development of a new universal standard, providing an affordable and consistent evaluation of environmental, social and economic sustainability along the entire raw materials value chain.
Niklas Grönberg
Business developer at LTU – Luleå Unviersity of Technology Business AB and specialize in commercialization
Niklas has Master of Science in Business from the study at Umeå School of Business and Mannheim Business School, and have in recent years worked as a Management Consultant in Stockholm and globally.

A VR Mine Experience
Niclas Dahlström
Senior Project Manager, LTU Business
After a career as teacher and headmaster, Niclas has more than a 10-years experience as a senior manager and senior project manager in and around the mining business. Specializing at WSL, SLO, CR, communication and marketing.
Now working for LTU Business and in the program office for the Swedish Mining Innovation program, also being a board member in Georange.
Read more about New Technologies here: New Technologies
Film: A walk trough the SIMS Virtual Reality (VR) Mining Environments for training, education and as outreach: www.youtube.com
Samuel Lundsten
Luleå University of Technology

A Swedish source of critical minerals, from mine waste
Phosphorus is a primary nutrient in mineral fertilisers. Without mineral fertilisers, global food production could be halved. Rare Earth Elements (REE’s), a group of 17 metals, are essential for innovation and the green transformation. In the ReeMAP project, LKAB is developing innovative technology and processing capabilities to extract phosphorus and rare earth elements, classed by the EU as Critical Raw Materials, from today’s mine waste.
Ulrika Håkansson is a business development manager at LKAB and leading the ReeMAP project. She will present the road from today up until a fully operational, fossil-free, industrial park that produces critical minerals in 2027. Ulrika holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology.
Ulrika Håkansson
Technical Director LKAB

The Barsele project – an update
Roman Hanes
Senior Exploration Geologist, Agnico EagleProject Manager, LTU Business

Exploration Partnerships and Initiatives in Nordic Countries
A look at EMX partnerships and exploration projects in Norway, Sweden and Finland; which metals and projects are being favored by the capital markets?
Eric Jensen
General Manager – Exploration at EMX Royalty Corporation
Dr. Jensen has over 25 years of mining and exploration experience and is currently the General Manager of Exploration for EMX Royalty Corporation. EMX specializes in entrepreneurial approaches to metals exploration and is one of the largest holders of mineral rights in Sweden and Norway. With over 250 project interests around the world and its record of success in exploration, the EMX team has generated impressive returns for shareholders, and is proud of its contributions to local economies and stakeholders.

The Grängesberg Apatite Project and the Dannemora Iron Ore Restart Project – an update Grängesberg Exploration
Grängesberg Exploration develops primarely the Grängesberg Apatite Project – a tailing project focusing on phosphorous and REE recovery – and the Dannemora Iron Ore Restart Project – a brown field project focusing on the untapped high grading potential of the magnetite ore. Both projects have reasonably short time to first production, with relatively low initial capital expenditure needs.
Christer Lindqvist
CEO, Grängesberg Exploration Holding AB
Christer holds a Master of Metallurgical Engineering from The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He has over 30 years’ experience from industrial, mining and infrastructure developments both in Sweden and internationally at senior management levels.
He has been the chairman and later CEO of Nordic Iron Ore AB as well as chairman of Copperstone Resources AB. He is the founder of Grängesberg Exploration AB and since last year the CEO and main owner of the listed Grängesberg Exploration Holding AB, through the acquisition of Grängesberg Exploration AB containing the Grängesberg Apatite project and the Dannemora iron mine restart project.