Lena Abrahamsson
Chair, Georange
Lena Abrahamsson is chair professor in Human Work Science, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Her research covers production and organisational changes, workplace learning, health & safety and gender issues mainly in industrial companies. She is today active in the several projects on mining and sustainable development. In the Master-program Industrial Design she teaches in the courses ”Organisational development”, ”Production and organisation” and ”Work Place Analysis”. She is member of the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s advisory council, boardmember of FORTE and of the Swedish government’s commission for gender equality in working life. Since 2016 she is deputy dean for the board of the faculty of science and technology at Luleå University of Technology.

Erika Ingvald
Head of Division, Mineral information and Mining Industry, Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
Erika Ingvald is a petrologist with many years of experience as a science journalist and information officer. When doing her doctorate, she worked with sedimentary petrology. As a journalist, she covered everything from mines and prospecting to new materials, electronics and IT, working for magazines such as Ny Teknik, Computer Sweden, Metro Teknik and Elektroniktidningen. She is co-author of the Swedish Research Council’s book ”Where Gold Glints Blue: Scientists on the Nanorevolution”, which has been translated into English, and of the book ”The High Coast – a World Heritage Site”, published by the County Administrative Board of Västernorrland, and translated into German and English. She was also the first project leader for Geology Day and was speech writer for the former CEO of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Lena Treschow Torell.
Erika has been working at SGU since 2007, where she worked as an information officer and press officer until the spring of 2015. She has also been project leader for GeoArena – a meeting place for geology and for GeoTreat – a mobile app for geotourism. In spring 2015, Erika became the Head of Division, Mineral Information and Mining Industry.

Kaj Lax
Head of Department Mineral Resources, Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
Kaj Lax is originally from Ostrobothnia, Finland. He studied geochemistry at Åbo Akademi University, and is a Doctor of Technology at the Luleå University of Technology. He has been the Head of Department for Mineral Resources at SGU since 2010; before this, he was the Head of the Mineral Information Resources Office in Malå.

Bengt Ivansson
Näringslivschef, Skellefteå Kommun

Jan Ots
CEO, Nordic Publishing
Nordic Publishing Sweden AB is a leading Nordic advisory firm focused on strategic communication in the mining and recycling industries.
- Provides strategic long-term or short-term project management targeting mineral and associated industries.
- Orchestrates events like annual conferences on Mining and Minerals and Circular Materials Conference.
- Works with issues regarding producer responsibitlity
Studied in Engineering focusing on Mining and Metallurgy- civil engineering and industry minerals.
Bergsskolan – The Swedish School of Mining and Metallurgy- LTU
BS (eq)in Economics and Business University of Uppsala

Elisabeth Sinclair
Project Manager, Norrbotniabanan

Stefan Sjöquist
Head of Research Department, IF Metall

Anna Utsi
Programme Director, SIP STRIM
Anna has a Master of Science in environmental engineering from Luleå University of Technology. She has been working with public affairs and strategic planning for the steel and metals industry in different positions for 15 years. She has been working for the Swedish and the European steel federations, mainly with environmental issues, in Stockholm and in Brussels and she has been lobbying for the region of North Sweden in Brussels. Her most recent position was as Head of Business development and research support at an industry owned metallurgical research institute Swerea MEFOS, in Luleå. Since March 2018 she is the Program Director of the national strategic innovation program for the Swedish mining and metal producing industry, SIP STRIM. STRIM is part of a joint investment in strategic innovation areas by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency aiming at strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish mining and metal extraction industry.